Committed to serving organizations and individuals whose passion and mission are to preserve communities

About Me

My passion stems from neighborhood tours around some communities that have been underserved.

I have been actively serving our community since before my children began school. I hold a Juris Doctor degree and served in private practice and the Judiciary system for 19 years in Missouri. Since retiring in Alabama, I have contributed my experiences and knowledge to social justice and community issues.


Successful people do what unsuccessful people are simply unwilling to do.

– Jesse Doe


Coordination of Community Engagement and Outreach

Conduct seminars, lectures, forums, workshops, and training such as:

  • Nonprofit capacity building & fundraising
  • Elected officials and public officials
  • Churches – Faith-Based Organizations
  • Community Development Corporations
  • Neighborhood Associations
  • Coalitions and Social Justice Groups
  • Educational Institutions
  • Community Development and Access to Resources
  • Grant Development, Research, and Writing

Organize and conduct powerful “Issues to Action” engagements such as:

  • Civic education, Strategic Empowerment, and Advocacy
  • Heirs Property, Blight and Wills Clinics.

Schedule a consultation today!